Beware Before You Click: The Dangers of '@' in URLs

In the digital age, where a click can lead you anywhere on the web, caution is paramount. Among the myriad of links that populate our screens, there's one particular symbol that should raise a red flag: the '@' sign in a URL. While the internet offers boundless opportunities for information and connection, it also harbours risks, and these seemingly innocuous characters can be a gateway to trouble.

I came across this article the other day and it detailed something I wasn't aware of.

So where does this link go :-

At first glance (and certainly if you only saw the first 50 characters) you'd be forgiven for thinking that you would end up on the BBC's website.  Hover over it first, then give it a click to see the answer.  You may find that your browser gives you a better idea of where it's going when you hover over it.

So it's worth being vigilant.  Of course the bit after the @ sign might be less obvious.  And what if there are more than one @ symbols :-

Remember, in the virtual realm, a single click can have far-reaching consequences. Stay vigilant, exercise caution, and think twice before you click on any link, especially those with an '@' in the URL. Your digital safety depends on it.


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