Implementing Process Control Tooling from Gesipa


Quad was approached by an automotive company aiming to integrate GESIPA rivet nut guns into their build process. Due to being an automotive company, safeguarding their application against reject parts was crucial.

They enquired about the feasibility of developing PC software to communicate with and retrieve data from the devices, enabling identification of failures and providing instructions for technicians. Despite uncertainty, GESIPA deemed the request feasible, albeit without existing examples due to the nature of this bespoke application.



To be able to set the rivet nuts and capture the data sent from the FireFox 2 C-WT tooling to be able to identify good/bad fastener sets. 

From Quad

To design a visual display (on a large mounted TV screen) of the product with crosshair highlighting the holes that the operator must set the rivet nuts in, and which tool should be used. All the data must then be automatically saved and be able to be recalled from Quad's database.


Quad seamlessly developed both the visual display software for operators and the database software, successfully linking GESIPA equipment with their customised computer programmes.  

The company were incredibly happy with the result and were able to exceed their high quality threshold which they had set themselves.


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