Quad Online Backup - First Sale!

Quad is proud to announce the first sale of its online backup solution, QuadBackup.

Before its official launch, our good customer, Arches Housing Ltd, had been helping us to trial the software. They had been looking for a reliable way of storing their backup off site, instead of the weekly tape drop-off at Quad by courier. When QuadBackup was in its final phases of testing, we set it up at Arches to give them an idea of how it would work.

We had been monitoring the testing, and all had been going very well. Whilst finalising how to launch the product, we received a call asking to restore a folder which had been accidentally deleted some time ago. As it happened, the oldest tape (two weeks) was offsite at Quad, so we restored the folder from it which had around 150Mb of data in it. Using QuadBackup, however, we restored over 750Mb of data as the history went back for several months.

Needless to say, Arches were delighted at this and have snapped-up the QuadBackup.


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